Friday 28 October 2016

Local Kingpin - Do You Know How To Generate More Leads?


If you can get more leads, you can convert them into paying customers.

You can keep clients happy and paying you.

You can make more money selling valuable leads in local industries like home improvement, yard work and gardening, home repairs, and so much more.

These areas are hungry for leads, and if you can provide them...well, let's just say it's a good way to make a lot of money.

In fact, if you're in the business or generating local leads or even thinking about it, the training provided by Bradley Benner in the Local Kingpin course is going to help you and your bottom line.


It's pretty simple really.

He's put years of work into his lead generation business and after seeing a big drop from organic traffic new that he had to find a way to get those leads back…

So he went to work doing something that many SEO's wouldn't do.

He dived into Google AdWords and figured out a process that lets him (and now, YOU!) set up optimized funnels to drive converting traffic to. Profitably.

If all you got was a way to generate 2 or 3 additional leads per week from this powerful course, would it be worth it?

If all you were able to do was turn around and pass those leads on to a local contractor for $30, $40, $50, or more, would it be worth it?

What if you were able to, like many people do, ask for a percentage fee based on the revenue generated.

Would you be interested in 10% of a bathroom remodel job that on average costs $15,000 or more?

But, it all depends on getting leads.

If you don't have a process for getting leads at a good cost, then you don't have anything.

That's where Local Kingpin is going to help you make money and get leads FAST.

When you start going through the detailed video based training (with HD resolution, and ability to speed up or slow down playback) you'll begin understanding how you can turn this into a revenue generating machine.

And why others who don't have a complete process like Local Kingpin fail.

If you're ready to take the next step get ahead of everyone else that is struggling to find leads, go here right now:

In fact, if you're serious about learning from an expert and know that this can be a game changer, you can get started now for wayyy less than anyone who waits just a few days.

The price will be going up in 3 days, and after that you'll still be able to learn all of the awesome info in the course but it's going to cost more and you'll be behind everyone else that took advantage of this opportunity!

If you aren't familiar with Semantic Mastery and MasteryPR training - well, let me just tell you that their training is COMPLETE.

As in, no steps left out.

No guesswork.

No steps that you have to spend hours or even days trying to figure out like some other training out there.

It's a complete lead generation package ready to go - take action, get the training, and start getting results FAST.

Ready? Good - get started here:

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